
SchemaSpy Analysis of moped

Generated on Mon Sep 16 20:49 GMT 2024

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 91
Anomalies 5
Routines 0

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 12.19 (Debian 12.19-1.pgdg110+1)

Schema public

standard public schema


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
moped_entity 3 0 7 42 Table

Standardized list of project-related entities, including workgroups, COA partners, and sponsors

moped_proj_component_tags 0 4 8 0 Table

Tracks many tags per project component

moped_tags 1 0 5 87 Table

Lookup table for all tags

moped_proj_notes 0 3 10 2 Table


moped_components 3 2 8 101 Table

Project facilities or components

moped_phases 5 0 8 14 Table

Standardized list of project phases

moped_users 40 1 15 4 Table

Standardized list of city of Austin employees

moped_proj_entities 0 1 8 0 Table

List of entities related to a project, including internal and external groups

moped_proj_components_subcomponents 0 4 8 1 Table
moped_proj_milestones 0 2 13 18 Table
moped_proj_phases 0 5 15 7 Table
moped_proj_personnel 1 4 9 3 Table

Project Team members

moped_user_followed_projects 0 1 4 3 Table
moped_component_work_types 0 2 3 367 Table

Tracks allowed moped_work_types by component type

moped_proj_funding 0 6 16 3 Table

Main source for a project’s funding

moped_activity_log 0 1 10 82 Table

Stores all changes made to records in the database relying on Hasura Events

moped_funds 0 0 4 17 Table
moped_components_subcomponents 0 2 3 583 Table

tracks allowed subcomponents by component type

feature_layers 2 0 3 5 Table
moped_project_files 0 3 17 0 Table
moped_types 1 0 7 8 Table
moped_proj_work_activity 0 4 19 3 Table

Table to track multiple contracts and purchase orders for projects

moped_project_roles 1 0 6 17 Table

Project roles for project staffing selection

features_council_districts 0 1 3 19 Table
moped_proj_components 4 4 15 4 Table
spatial_ref_sys 2 0 5 8500 Table
feature_intersections 0 2 10 7 Table
feature_drawn_lines 0 2 11 0 Table
moped_proj_partners 0 4 8 10 Table


moped_work_types 2 0 4 12 Table

Lookup table for component work types

feature_street_segments 0 2 16 11 Table
moped_project 14 6 19 3 Table

Moped Project Table – Parent entity of most in the database, primary key is foreign key for many entities

moped_user_events 0 1 4 0 Table

Tracks user activities for analytics purposes

feature_signals 0 2 12 1 Table
moped_organization 0 0 3 12 Table
moped_fund_programs 1 0 3 30 Table

Standardized funding source categories

moped_project_types 0 4 8 0 Table

List of related project types

moped_milestones 1 1 5 66 Table

Standardized list of project milestones

moped_fund_sources 1 0 3 27 Table

Standardized funding sources for projects

moped_fund_status 1 0 2 6 Table
moped_public_process_statuses 1 0 3 4 Table

lookup table of public process statuses

moped_subphases 2 1 4 30 Table

Standardized list of project sub-phases

moped_component_tags 1 0 5 38 Table

Lookup table for component tags

layer_council_district 1 0 3 10 Table
moped_proj_work_activity_status 1 0 4 5 Table
features 0 1 3 19 Table
moped_subcomponents 2 0 2 48 Table
moped_workgroup 1 1 5 27 Table
feature_drawn_points 0 2 10 0 Table
moped_proj_tags 0 4 8 5 Table

Stores tag / project relationships

moped_proj_personnel_roles 0 4 8 5 Table

Tracks project roles associated with project personnel, aka team members

moped_proj_component_work_types 0 4 8 0 Table

Tracks many work types per each project component

moped_department 1 0 5 11 Table
geography_columns 0 1 7 0 View
project_list_view 0 0 47 0 View
exploded_component_arcgis_online_view 0 0 7 0 View
uniform_features 0 0 11 0 View

This view unifies various geographical feature data from multiple tables such as signals, street segments, intersections, drawn points, and lines. It provides a view of these features along with their attributes, geographic details, and council district associations.

geometry_columns 0 1 7 0 View
component_arcgis_online_view 0 0 76 0 View
current_phase_view 0 0 6 0 View
project_geography 0 0 18 0 View