
82 rows


Stores all changes made to records in the database relying on Hasura Events


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
activity_id uuid 2147483647 gen_random_uuid()

UUID that guarantees record uniqueness

record_id int4 10 null

Equivalent to the primary id value of the record type

record_type varchar 64 null

The table being modified, ie. moped_project

record_data jsonb 2147483647 null

The change payload as provided by Hasura

description jsonb 2147483647 null

A summary description of the changes as provided by Python

created_at timestamptz 35,6 now()

An automatic timestamp at the time of creation

updated_by uuid 2147483647 null

The Cognito UUID

record_project_id int4 10 0

A project id number if this record is related to a project

operation_type varchar 8 null

The operation type as provided by Hasura: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE

updated_by_user_id int4 10 null
moped_users.user_id moped_activity_log_updated_by_user_id_fkeyN


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
moped_activity_log_pk Primary key Asc activity_id
moped_activity_log_operation_type_index Performance Asc operation_type
moped_activity_log_project_id_index Performance Asc record_project_id
moped_activity_log_record_id_index Performance Asc record_id
moped_activity_log_record_type_index Performance Asc record_type
moped_activity_log_updated_by_index Performance Asc updated_by
