
3 rows


Table to track multiple contracts and purchase orders for projects


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('moped_purchase_order_id_seq'::regclass)
workgroup_contractor text 2147483647 null
contract_number text 2147483647 null
description text 2147483647 null
project_id int4 10 null
moped_project.project_id moped_proj_contract_project_id_fkeyC
is_deleted bool 1 false
work_assignment_id text 2147483647 null
contract_amount int4 10 null
interim_work_activity_id text 2147483647 null
implementation_workgroup text 2147483647 null
task_orders jsonb 2147483647 null
status_id int4 10 1 status_id_fkeyN
status_note text 2147483647 null
created_by_user_id int4 10 null
moped_users.user_id created_by_user_fkeyN
created_at timestamptz 35,6 now()
updated_by_user_id int4 10 null
moped_users.user_id updated_by_user_fkeyN
updated_at timestamptz 35,6 now()
work_order_url text 2147483647 null

External link to a related work order. E.g., to the Knack Data Tracker

reference_id text 2147483647 COALESCE(interim_work_activity_id, ((('MPD-'::text || (project_id)::text) || '-'::text) || (id)::text))

An auto-generated ID that can be submitted to work order systems to indicate that the work originated from a Moped project.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
moped_purchase_order_pkey Primary key Asc id
moped_proj_contract_project_id_idx Performance Asc project_id
