
-1 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('ems__incidents_id_seq'::regclass)
people.ems_id people_ems_id_fkey N
people_edits.ems_id people_edits_ems_id_fkey N
pcr_key int4 10 null

Unique identifier for the patient care record in the EMS Data Warehouse. Can be used to uniquely identify records in this dataset

crash_id int4 10 null
incident_date_received date 13 null

The date that the incident was received by EMS. This could be the date that the EMS call taker took the call, or when it was transferred to EMS from another agency

incident_time_received time 15,6 null

The time that the incident was received by EMS. This could be the time that the EMS call taker took the call, or when it was transferred to EMS from another agency

incident_number text 2147483647 null

Unique identifier for the Incident. Note that this value may not be unique to records in this dataset, as there may be multiple patient care records for a single incident

incident_location_address text 2147483647 null

The street address for the location of the incident

incident_location_city text 2147483647 null

The city in which the incident occurred

incident_location_state text 2147483647 null

The state in which the incident occurred

incident_location_zip text 2147483647 null

The zip code in which the incident occurred

incident_location_longitude float8 17,17 null

The longitude coordinate for the location of the incident

incident_location_latitude float8 17,17 null

The latitude coordinate for the location of the incident

incident_problem text 2147483647 null

The ‘call type’ or reason for the incident. Determined by communications staff while processing the 911 call.

incident_priority_number text 2147483647 null

The ‘priority’ of the incident. Determined by communications staff while processing the incident. Priority 1 is the highest priority, while 5 is the lowest priority

pcr_cause_of_injury text 2147483647 null

A general description of the what caused the patient’s injury if applicable

pcr_patient_complaints text 2147483647 null

A general description of what the patient is complaining of (ex chest pain, difficulty breathing, etc)

pcr_provider_impression_primary text 2147483647 null

The provider’s primary impression of the patient’s condition/injury/illness based on their assessment of the patient

pcr_provider_impression_secondary text 2147483647 null

The provider’s secondary or supporting impression of the patient’s condition/injury/illness based on their assessment of the patient

pcr_outcome text 2147483647 null

A general description of the outcome of the patient encounter (ex Transported, Refused, Deceased)

pcr_transport_destination text 2147483647 null

The facility that the patient was transported to, if applicable

pcr_patient_acuity_level text 2147483647 null
pcr_patient_acuity_level_reason text 2147483647 null

Indicates the primary reason a patient is determined to be ‘High’ acuity, if applicable

pcr_patient_age int4 10 null

The patient’s age at the time of the encounter

pcr_patient_gender text 2147483647 null

The patient’s gender

pcr_patient_race text 2147483647 null

The patient’s race

mvc_form_airbag_deployment text 2147483647 null

Indicates which airbags were deployed (front, side, etc)

mvc_form_airbag_deployment_status text 2147483647 null

Indicates whether airbags were deployed

mvc_form_collision_indicators text 2147483647 null


mvc_form_damage_location text 2147483647 null

Location of damage to the vehicle

mvc_form_estimated_speed_kph int4 10 null

Estimated speed of the vehicle in kilometers per hour

mvc_form_estimated_speed_mph int4 10 null

Estimated speed of the vehicle in miles per hour

mvc_form_extrication_comments text 2147483647 null

Provider notes about any extrication that was performed

mvc_form_extrication_datetime timestamp 29,6 null

The time that an extrication was performed

mvc_form_extrication_required_flag int4 10 null

Indicates whether the patient needed to be extricated from the vehicle (1 = yes, 0 = no)

mvc_form_patient_injured_flag int4 10 null

Indicates whether the patient was injured ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)

mvc_form_position_in_vehicle text 2147483647 null

Where the patient was in the vehicle (front seat, second seat, etc)

mvc_form_safety_devices text 2147483647 null

A list of any safety devices used, such as seatbelts or car seats

mvc_form_seat_row_number text 2147483647 null


mvc_form_vehicle_type text 2147483647 null

The type of vehicle involved in the accident (automobile, motorcycle, etc)

mvc_form_weather text 2147483647 null

A general description of weather conditions at the time of the accident

pcr_additional_agencies text 2147483647 null

A comma delimitted list of agencies that responded to this incident in addtion to EMS

pcr_transport_priority text 2147483647 null

Code 1 is lower priority transport without lights and sirens. Code 3 is a higher priority transport with lights and sirens

pcr_patient_acuity_initial text 2147483647 null

Initial patient acuity determined by provider

pcr_patient_acuity_final text 2147483647 null

Final patient acuity determined by provider

unparsed_apd_incident_numbers text 2147483647 null
apd_incident_numbers _int4 10 null

A comma delimitted list of incident numbers for APD incidents that are linked to the EMS incident. This field can be used to determin if there is an associated APD incident.

geometry geometry 2147483647 null
austin_full_purpose bool 1 null
location_id text 2147483647 null
atd_txdot_locations.location_id Implied Constraint R
latitude float8 17,17 null
longitude float8 17,17 null
apd_incident_number_1 int4 10 null
apd_incident_number_2 int4 10 null
mvc_form_date date 13 null
mvc_form_time time 15,6 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
ems__incidents_pkey Primary key Asc id
